Software integration
Integrate sms services in your own software

Integrate sms services in your software? Simply child’s play. With our different APIs you simply extend the possibilities of your software system.  Send MT (mobile phone terminated) sms from your system or receive MO (mobile originated) sms and use them as triggers in your projects.


Reliable and fast

Reliable and fast

With software integration you send and receive sms messages in your own system. This can involve ordinary sms, premium sms or a combination of both. Also possible: web-based server-side programming languages and ‘offline’ projects. You also obtain a reliable and fast sms HTTP gateway.


Different integration possibilities

Different integration possibilities

Send sms messages? Just make an ordinary HTTP request to our servers. To receive sms messages we make an HTTP request to your script. These sms HTTP gateways are for both normal and premium sms messages. The use of our HTTP sms gateway in your software is very simple. A multiple of programming languages are possible: ASP, PHP, C++, C#, Java, etc.

It is also possible to use the Mail2Sms service to get the sms messages from your existing software to us. Or what would you think of an automatic FTP upload/download? Or SMPP? We certainly have the right API for you!

Other Applications

Software integration
Software integration
Software integration
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